Frevo performance to celebrate PAHO director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa

Frevo performance to celebrate PAHO director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa Photo credit: Pan American Health Organization

This week I was honored to perform at the inauguration ceremony for the Pan-American Health Organization’s new director, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa! EducArte was invited to give a short frevo presentation to give tribute to Dr. Barbosa’s home state of Pernambuco. It was an honor to share frevo dance and music with this audience. Along with Brian Falkowski on saxophone and Pablo Regis on pandeiro, we performed a medley of classic frevo tunes (Evocação No. 1, Lágrimas de um Folião, Duda no Frevo, and, of course, Vassourinhas). Thanks to the PAHO organizers for inviting us and to the ladies in the front row for singing along!

Photo courtesy of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).