Monobloco workshop and concert in June

Monobloco workshop and concert in June

On June 29th, EducArte brought Brazil’s largest carnival band, Monobloco, to perform at the historic Spanish Ballroom at Glen Echo Park. It was a huge effort by our team, and we pulled it off!

At the concert, we saw people from all age groups come together to have a great time with friends and family. It was amazing to see the Brazilian community from the DMV area come out to celebrate by singing and dancing to every single song. The sounds of percussion, singing, and laughing gave us a little glimpse of the lively atmosphere of Carnaval back in Brazil.

The day before the concert, a few of the band members came to College Park to teach a special percussion workshop in our community. It’s not everyday that you get the opportunity to jam and learn from Brazil’s largest carnival band, so this workshop was extra special. To make things even more exciting, the next day, this same group was invited to perform a song with Monobloco during the concert! This workshop was jubilant—everyone was jamming and dancing to the music that they were creating and it created a strong sense of community.

We’re looking forward to doing more events like this! It’s been so exciting to see EducArte grow exponentially in the past couple years.